: Сидней: Места Под Захоронения на Русских Православных Участках Подорожают / The Price of Grave Plots in the Russian Sections at Rookwood Cemetery Will be Increasing

rookwood_2014_8Администрация кладбища Руквуд (Rookwood General Cemeteries Reserve Trust) доводит до сведения русской православной общины Сиднея, что с 1-го июля 2015 места под захоронения на русских православных участках подорожают. В настоящее время их стоимость составляет $9.300. Контора администрации открыта для выяснения всех вопросов и купли мест также в выходные дни с 10 утра до 2-х ч. дня. Справки у сотрудников Марка и Димити по новому телефону администрации: 8575 8100. Адрес конторы: Hawthorne Ave, Rookwood.


The Administration of the Rookwood General Cemeteries Trust (the Trust) has advised that the price of grave plots in the Russian sections at Rookwood Cemetery will be increasing from 1 July 2015.

Currently, the price (not including interment fee) is $9,300. At this point the Trust is not able advise what the increase will be. There are currently four (4) vacant plots in the Independent area of the Russian Orthodox section V. The only other remaining plots available are located in the new Russian Orthodox Section 4A.

Those interested in purchasing a plot are requested to contact Sales Managers Dimity and Mark at the Trust office during weekends from 10am to 2pm the following phone number 02 8575 8100. The office is located on the cemetery grounds at Hawthorne Ave (old Anglican and General Trust office).