: Saint Panteleimon Church, Gosford, Feast Day

This year, the parish of the Holy Great-Martyr and Unmercenary Healer Panteleimon, in West Gosford on the NSW Central Coast, had services in honour of its patron saint on the Saturday after the feast. On the evening of Friday 10 August All-Night Vigil was served, with the blessing of loaves, wheat, wine and oil. It was a cold and wet night, and there were very few people in church.

The next morning, Saturday 11 August, a moleben with the blessing of water was served inside the church. Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe then arrived to preside at Divine Liturgy, and was greeted at the church doors by the parish rector, Priest James Carles. (more…)

: Архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский Михаил в Брисбене

19 августа  2012 года, в день Преображения Господня  в Свято-Николаевском соборе Брисбена Божественную литургию возглавил архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский  Михаил в сослужении настоятеля собора, протоиерея Гавриила Макарова, иерея Иоанна Вир, диакона о. Константина Симовских, диакона о. Владимира Бигдан и клириков Брисбена. (more…)

: 50-летний юбилей прихода в Данденонге

В день празднования Донской иконы Божией матери первого сентября данденонгский приход отметил свой полувековой юбилей. По благословению митрополита Илариона с архипастырским визитом приход посетил архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский Михаил (Донсков).

В этот день в храме Успения Пресвятой Богородице совершалась архиерейская служба. Владыку Михаила встречали с цветами и колокольным звоном. (more…)

: His Eminence Archbishop Michael at Holy Protection Cathedral, Melbourne

On Sunday 2nd September, the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, His Eminence Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Protection Cathedral in Melbourne.

Concelebrating with Vladika were Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff (the rector of the cathedral), Archpriest Nicholas Dalinkewicz, Archpriest Peter Sheko, Hieromonk Kiril (Gavras), Hieromonk Luke (Bell), Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff, Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff, Hierodeacon Panteleimon (Jigalin) and Deacon Emil Mishriky. (more…)

: His Eminence Archbishop Michael at Saint Vladimir’s Church, Centennial Park

On Wednesday 9/22 August His Eminence Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe visited the oldest Russian Orthodox Church in Sydney, Saint Vladimir’s in Centennial Park.

A few years ago Saint Vladimir’s Church celebrated their 75th anniversary.

Vladika served an Akathist together with the rector of the church, Priest Daniel Metlenko. (more…)

: Invitation – Saint Panteleimon Church Feast Day, Gosford

: Archbishop Michael celebrates the Divine Liturgy at the Diocesan Cathedral

On Sunday 23 July/5 August 2012 on the Feast Day of the Holy Wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Diocesan Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe. Concelebrating with his Eminence were Archpriest George Lapardin and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff.

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the ruling Hierarch of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese, Archbishop Michael is visiting the Australian continent for the first time and plans to stay till early September. During this time he hopes to visit many of the parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese including some in Queensland and Victoria. (more…)

: B Австралийско-Новозеландскую епархию прибыл Архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский Михаил / Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe has arrvied

По благословению Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Илариона в Австралийско-Новозеландскую епархию прибыл на месяц Архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский Михаил.  Владыка Михаил посетит приходы епарxии и познакомится с церковной жизнью.

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe will visit the Australian and New Zealand Diocese for one month. Archbishop Michael will have a chance to serve in most parishes and get acquainted with the clergy and church life.