: Homily on the 4th Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Paralytic

Fourth Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Paralytic

Homily From “The One Thing Needful,” Sermons of Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko)

Today’s Gospel reading confirms us more and more strongly in the divinity of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The Gospels for the last two Sundays told us about the appearances of the Risen One. They were as if filled with the light of Christ’s Resurrection: the wonderful appearances to the disciples, to Thomas, to the myrrhbearers. But today’s Gospel starts with a dismal, horrible picture: there is no brightness, no light. At the Sheep Gate there was a pool which had five porches. “In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered…. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years” (Jn. 5:2-5). (more…)

: Homily on the 3rd Sunday of Pascha – Sunday of the Myrrhbearers

Third Sunday of Pascha – Myrrhbearing Women

Homily From “The One Thing Needful,” Sermons of Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko)

“And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the sun. And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher?” (Mk. 16:1-3).

Brothers and sisters! Can you imagine the state of mind these Myrrhbearing women were in? For those who lived through Soviet times in Russia and through the persecution of the Church, it is so understandable. In some churches, as in the outskirts of Kiev, this service (the Burial of the Savior) was performed at night. People made their way to such a church through dark streets. Anything could happen, you had to be careful of everything. Neighbors might hear that you went somewhere at night; and you could be stopped on the street. And the service itself in church and the carrying of the Shroud around the church could be interrupted by the authorities. One did not know if tomorrow, on Holy Saturday, this already semi-Easter Liturgy would be performed, because the priest might be arrested. (more…)

: Homily on the 2nd Sunday of Pascha – Saint Thomas Sunday

Second Sunday of Pascha – Saint Thomas Sunday

Homily From “The One Thing Needful,” Sermons of Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko)

“But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe (Jn. 20:24-25).

What does this mean, his “I will not believe”? Is it possible he could not believe the other eleven Apostles, his brothers? Is it possible they could lie to him? The whole evangelical life of Christ, all His miracles, Golgotha, the death on the Cross, they had experienced together. And now this joy which they all had experienced they wanted to share with him. No, this was not a lie.

But He, Whom they had seen, was He really the same Christ? Was this not a vision or some other Christ? Was this not a mistake? And Thomas was afraid to lose what he had. And what did he have? This is what: during the years of fellowship with Christ, he had absorbed His teaching, the entire makeup of His life; and by now he was incapable of living any other way. It was painful for him not to have personal fellowship anymore with Christ; but by this time he understood that Christ came to earth in order to teach us the main commandment of God: love for God and neighbor, to perform it Himself, and to give us the strength to fulfill it. (more…)

: The Paschal Homily of Saint John Chrysostom

If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived therefor. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour, let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as the first; he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who has wrought from the first hour. (more…)

: Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion

of His Eminence Hilarion,
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Outside of Russia

Right Reverend Brother and Fellow Pastors, Right Honorable Fathers,
Brethren and Sisters Beloved in the Lord,


Today, in churches full to overflowing with throngs of people, songs of praise and thanksgiving are being offered up to God. Celebrating and rejoicing, we welcome the Savior’s triumphant Resurrection from the tomb with gladsome spiritual hymns. In the spirit of spiritual joy I hasten, through this epistle, to visit all of you and mystically to express to all the pious members of our Russian Church Abroad the paschal greeting.

“Truly He is risen!” I declare spiritually to you all the heartfelt Paschal greeting! (more…)

: Пасхальное послание Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Илариона

Митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского,
Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви.

Преосвященные собратья-архипастыри, досточтимые отцы,
возлюбленные о Господе братия и сестры,


Сегодня в церквах, переполненных множеством народа, воссылается благодарственное и хвалебное пение Богу. Празднуя и ликовствуя, мы встречаем радостными духовными гимнами победоносное Воскресение Спасителя из гроба. С чувством духовной радости спешу через сие послание посетить всех вас и мысленно выразить всей благочестивой Полноте нашей Русской Зарубежной Церкви – Пасхальное приветствие.

«Воистину Воскресе!» – душевно возглашаю всем вам и всем откликающимся на сердечные Пасхальные приветствия.

Да даст Господь Церкви Своей, в Свете Своего Восстания, мир, укрепление веры и возрастающую надежду на умножение любви!

Истоком этой необычайной радости, которую мы испытываем ныне, является сам факт Воскресения Христова – этого величайшего чуда в истории мира, рассеявшего мрак человеческой обреченности. Следует отметить, что внезапное и великое воодушевление в исповедании веры во Христа Воскресшего возникло в испуганных и подавленных распятием Спасителя Его учениках-апостолах. Они, а за ними и множество мучеников пошли на страдания и смерть за Христа Умершего и Воскресшего. Несмотря на страшные гонения и преследования, Первенствующая Христианская Церковь росла и укреплялась, ибо в глазах апостолов и их последователей был виден свет победы Добра и Жизни над злом и смертью. Это последнее психологическое обстоятельство убедительно и неоспоримо дает основание вере в Христа Воскресшего. (more…)

: How to keep the Fast

On fasting

“For this kind is expelled only by prayer and fasting” (Matt. 17:21). With these words the Lord Himself indicated to us two kinds of weapons in our combat against our enemy – the dark and evil spirits. At the same time, He indicated to His disciples the need for them to fast at a time “when the Bridegroom shall be taken from them” (Matt. 9:15). The grace of the Holy Spirit is taken away from us through our sins. And its return to us is achieved primarily by means of repentance, assisted by prayer and fasting. (more…)

: О Великом посте

Самым светлым, красивым, поучительным и трогательным временем в православном календаре является период Великого поста и Пасхи. Зачем и как следует поститься, как часто следует посещать храм и причащаться в Великий пост, каковы особенности богослужения в этот период?

Какие-то ответы на эти и другие вопросы о Великом посте читатель сможет найти ниже. Данный материал составлен на основе нескольких публикаций, посвященных разным сторонам нашей жизни в Великий пост. (more…)

: Рождественское послание Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Алексия II

Незадолго до своей кончины новопреставленный Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II успел подготовить публикуемое ниже Рождественское послание.

Слава в вышних Богу, в Вифлееме слышу от безплотных днесь,
на земли мир благоволившему быти.

Стихира на литии в праздник Рождества Христова

Возлюбленные о Господе Преосвященные архипастыри, честное пресвитерство, во Христе диаконство, боголюбивый монашеский чин, дорогие братья и сестры ― верные чада церковные!

Вновь слышим мы ликующую ангельскую песнь: «Слава в вышних Богу, и на земли мир, во человецех благоволение!» (Лк. 2. 14). Церковь встречает на земле Предвечного Бога, Который, родившись в Вифлееме от Приснодевы, стал Человеком. По слову Евангелия, Его Пришествие несет людям, живущим на земле, вышний мир. Исполняется пророчество Псалмопевца: «Господь крепость людем Своим даст, Господь благословит люди Своя миром» (Пс. 28. 11). (more…)

: Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

Most Reverend brother Archpastors, Reverend Fathers, beloved brothers, sisters and children in Christ!

I address the fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia with heartfelt Christmas greetings for the first time. I am in need of God’s great mercy, which completes that which is wanting, for the new and lofty ministry which has been placed upon me. I request your prayers for the Lord to strengthen me in this new and responsible obedience.

During these holy days I congratulate you with the great feast of the Nativity of Christ from the distant city of Sydney, the cathedral see of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese. It is my prayer that we may all partake of that sublime and inalienable peace, of which the angels sang on that holy night above the town of Bethlehem, when “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14). (more…)