: Отошел ко Господу протодиакон Петр Метленко

Приходской совет Богородице-Успенского храма с прискорбием сообщает, что на 86-м году жизни скончался протодиакон Петр Иванович Метленко, бывший клирик Богородице-Успенского храма в Данденонге.

Выражаем искренние слова соболезнования родным и близким усопшего.

Отпевание новопреставленного прошло 29 августа во Владимирском храме в Сиднее, а погребение состоялось 31 августа в Успенском храме в Данденонге. Похоронен на кладбище в Спрингвайле рядом с матушкой.   (more…)

: Protodeacon Peter Metlenko reposed to the Lord

On Thursday, 24 August 2023, at the age of 86, Protodeacon Peter Metlenko, a former cleric of the Holy Dormition Church in Dandenong, reposed to the Lord.

The funeral service of the newly departed was held on 29 August 2023 at St. Vladimir’s Church in Sydney and the burial took place on 31 August 2023 in Springvale Cemetary VIC next to his matushka Elizabeth.

We express our sincere condolences to his family and may the Lord God grant Fr Peter the Kingdom of Heaven!

A brief biography can be read here.

: His Grace Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand celebrated the feast of Holy Transfiguration at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral

On Friday, 18 August and Saturday, 19 August 2023, His Grace Bishop George celebrated the services for the great feast of Holy Transfiguration at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield. Co-serving with Bishop George were the Cathedral clergy and Abbot Cyprian from Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville NY, USA.

Following the Divine Liturgy, Bishop George blessed the fruit. (more…)

: Oтошёл ко Господу Протоиерей Руф Тоболов / Archpriest Ruf Tobolov reposed in the Lord

В понедельник 19-го июня 2023 г. отошёл ко Господу бывший настоятель и строитель нового храма в Брисбенском пригороде Рокли – протоиерей Руф Тоболов. Руф Георгиевич Тоболов родился 21-го апреля 1940 г. в Уст-Урга, Трёхречье, Китай. Он был потомком Забайкальских казаков. 

Вместе с семьёй эмигрировали в  Австралию в 1962 г. и после пребывания в лагере для мигрантов «Боннегилла», семья поселилась в Сиднее. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand celebrates the feast of the Holy Trinity at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield

The great feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on Sunday the fiftieth day after Easter and is also called Pentecost. This feast is associated with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, which took place on this day. The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve feasts of the Orthodox Church.

On Saturday, 3rd of June 2023 the All-night Vigil commenced with the greeting of His Grace Bishop George followed by vespers, litiya and matins. Co-served with His Grace were the Cathedral clergy. The following day, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy commenced at 9am. (more…)

: St Nicholas Cathedral in Queensland celebrates its centennial

On May 27-28, 2023, Brisbane celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first Orthodox parish in Australia. Hundreds of parishioners of this and other Orthodox churches from different cities of Australia and invited high-ranking guests gathered at St Nicholas Church in Brisbane on the occasion of the centenary of the parish. The service was attended by three bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and about 70 clergy. Orthodox Christians of Brisbane had never seen such a large-scale event. (more…)

: Приход Николаевского собора в Квинслэнде отметил свое 100-летие

Первый в Австралии храм русской православной общины отметил в воскресенье, 28 мая, свое 100-летие торжественным богослужением и концертом.

В честь праздника в Николаевский русский православный собор в Брисбене прибыли священнослужители из разных австралийских православных приходов и гости из зарубежных стран. «Сегодня очень значимый для нашего прихода день, потому что наш храм, самый древний православный собор Австралии, празднует свое 100-летие со времени основания. Этот собор, открыв однажды свои двери для православных, не закрывал их никогда, принимая прихожан, прибывших из послереволюционной России, а затем тех, кто пережил ужасы Великой Отечественной войны и по каким-то причинам оказался здесь. За годы его существования тысячи православных христиан здесь молились и получали благословение, здесь служили замечательные священники, и сегодня юбилей этого храма – это наш общий праздник», – сказал один из прихожан церкви. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse Melbourne visit

On Saturday, 20th May 2023, His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, arrived at Melbourne airport where he was greeted by the Holy Protection Cathedral clergy. That evening Bishop Luke served the All-night vigil at the cathedral.

The following day, the 6th Sunday of Pascha, the healing of the blind man, His Grace was greeted at the Holy Protection Cathedral with bread and salt and officiated the Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating with Bishop Luke were the cathedral clergy, Archpriests: Nicholas Karipoff, cathedral rector, Nicholas Dalinkiewicz, Peter Sheko, Priest Mark Woloszyn, Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff and visiting clergy Archpriest Peter Shashkoff. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse Sydney visit

On 13th May 2023, His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese and Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville arrived in Australia to take part in the celebrations of the 100-year anniversary of the founding of Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbane, Queensland.

Our long-awaited guest flew into Sydney airport on a crisp and cool autumn morning to be greeted by His Grace Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand and other clergy. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese arrived in Australia

At 7:45am on Saturday, 13 May 2023, His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese and Rector of Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville arrived in Australia.

Bishop Luke was invited by His Grace Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand to participate in the festivities marking the 100 year anniversary of St Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbane scheduled for 27th and 28th May. (more…)