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Tags: Syezd
The 49th Annual Diocesan Youth Convention took place between Thursday 19th December and Tuesday 24th December at “Camp Manyung” (YMCA), near Mt Eliza on Port Phillip Bay.
Besides lectures, talks and discussions the program included daily prayers, vespers served at the camp, a visit to Melbourne on Sunday for liturgy served by His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion with eight priests and three deacons, and a banquet, sight seeing in Melbourne city, a visit to Dandenong Church, swimming at the nearby beach, singing and socialising around camp fire, etc.
There were nine lectures and talks over the five days of the Syezd “Marriage and family” topic was covered in two talks by Fr Nicholas Karipoff and Fiona Polorotoff (Melbourne Parish) on Friday 20th. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 2 Parish News, Русский
Tags: Syezd
Год тому назад, на предыдущем съезде в Брисбене, организация 49-го съезда была поручена молодёжи Св.Покровского Собора в Мельбурне.
В начале 2013 г. начались поиски места для проведения съезда. Остановились на лагере ИМКА около селения Маунт Элайза, на берегу залива Порт Филлип. Молодёжь начала съезжаться в четверг, 19-го декабря накануне открытия съезда. Поздно ночью на последнем рейсе из Брисбена прилетел ЕВП Митрополит Иларион в сопровождении группы молодёжи. Владыка Иларион был на престольном празднике в старейшем приходе нашей Епархии, отмечавшем 90 лет со дня основания. (more…)
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Tags: Syezd
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Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Syezd
The 48th Annual Youth Conference was held in Brisbane this year from 27th to 31st December 2012. The theme of the Conference was “From the Womb to beyond the Tomb”. The Conference venue was the Rydges Hotel in the Southbank district of Brisbane. This year’s conference attracted attendees from the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Canada, United States, New Zealand and from all capital cities of Australia. 58 young people in total registered together with clergy from our Diocese. The clergy were headed by our own archbishop, His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion who attended the whole conference. Many young people living in Brisbane attended the organised functions and the lectures. Altogether there were 87 people who registered for the conference. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 2 Parish News, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Brisbane, Metropolitan Hilarion, Syezd
On Sunday, 30th December 2012, the participants of the Youth Syezd attended the Divine Liturgy at St Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane.
The liturgy was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad and sung antiphonally by a male choir and a youth choir. His Eminence was co-served by the local clergy and clergy from different parts of the Diocese. On the 6th hour, reader Alexander Paramonov was elevated to the rank of subdeacon and during the Little Entrance, His Eminence awarded priests John Weir and Gabriel Lapardin the right to wear the skufia. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 2 Parish News, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Brisbane, Metropolitan Hilarion, Syezd
On Saturday, the 29th of December 2012, the participants of the Youth Syezd attended the All Night Vigil at St Seraphim’s Parish, Brisbane. The vigil was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad and sung by a male choir made up of clergy and parishioners from the 4 parishes in Brisbane. His Eminence was co-served by the local clergy and clergy from different parts of the diocese. The service was followed by a meal in the newly renovated church hall catered by the sisterhood. (more…)
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Tags: Syezd
Click here to view the Teen Retreat Schedule
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Tags: Event, Syezd
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the forty-seventh annual Youth Conference of the Australian and New Zealand (A&NZ) Diocese was held at Wisemans Ferry, a historic village on the Hawkesbury River just to the north of Sydney, from the afternoon of Tuesday December 27 until the morning of Saturday December 31. The theme of the conference was ‘Against the Tide: Maintaining our Orthodoxy in Challenging Times’. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English
Tags: Event, Syezd
The first Russian Orthodox Teen Retreat for youth from years 9 – 12 is quickly approaching. All young people are encouraged to register ASAP as there are limited places available. To view the timetable, click here.