: Invitation to the 2024 Syezd of the Australian & New Zealand Diocese (ROCOR)

: All Diaspora Youth Conference


The All-Diaspora youth conferences have always been a wonderful tradition of the Russian Church Abroad. The first Conference took place with the blessing of the future First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) of Montreal and Canada, in 1972 in Montreal (Canada). The Metropolitan invited Orthodox youth from ROCOR parishes on all continents to participate in the Conference. (more…)

: Orthodox Youth Conference – 26th-30th December 2023

: Syezd Youth Conference 2022

Praying, Learning, Growing Together: 2022 Syezd Youth ConferenceAn annual Diocesan event, 2022 saw our Syezd Youth Conference hosted in Brisbane.  Months of preparation had produced a schedule that equally prioritised praying together, learning together, and growing together.  We were especially overjoyed to welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ from three other states of Australia, who were able to join us in person; we were likewise delighted to welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ from New Zealand, along with others from other parts of Queensland and Australia, who joined us over Zoom for lectures and panel discussions. (more…)

: Invitation to the Australian and New Zealand 2022 Syezd – Youth Conference


With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand, the 2022 Diocesan Syezd – Youth Committee will be held in Brisbane QLD.

For more information, please refer to www.Syezd.com.au

: Invitation to the 53rd Annual Russian Orthodox Youth Syezd 2018 – Melbourne

: Australian & New Zealand Diocesan Russian Orthodox Liturgical Music Conference Brisbane 2017

: 51st annual Orthodox Youth Conference – Syezd 2015

syezd1With the blessing of His Grace Bishop George, the 51st annual Orthodox Youth Conference – Syezd 2015 – was successfully held from 26-31 December 2015, at Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza, south-east of Melbourne, Victoria. As in previous years, Syezd 2015 provided attendees with the opportunity to learn more about their Orthodox faith as well as meeting many other Orthodox youth from all over Australia and overseas. (more…)

: 50-й Съезд Православной Молодежи Австралии

50_syezd_2014_2С 26 по 31 декабря в Кентлине, на юго-западе Сиднея, прошел юбилейный 50-й съезд православной молодежи. В программе — встречи с известными церковнослужителями РПЦЗ, лекции, семинары и, конечно, отдых — круиз по Сиднейскому заливу, была у молодежи и возможность провести время на пляже. Ровно полвека назад, в этом же самом месте, на берегу реки Джорджес, состоялся первый съезд русской молодежи. (more…)

: Invitation to the 50th Anniversary Syezd of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese – ROCOR
