: Liturgical Music Seminar at Holy Protection Parish, Cabramatta

At one point it seemed there would not be a 2010 Russian Orthodox Choir Singer’s and Conductor’s Conference, due to its cancellation (in Brisbane).  Fortunately, the wonderfully committed and stoic Andrei Laptev, a considerable musician and veritable asset to the Russian Orthodox Community in Australia, decided to not accept this travesty and asked the community if there was sufficient interest to maintain the venue in another location (Cabramatta, NSW).  We all answered ‘yes’, and Andrei obtained a Blessing to  proceed with a plan which would ultimately result in a truly fantastic event. (more…)

: Announcement – Holy Protection Parish, Cabramatta to hold Liturgical Music Seminar, 27-30 May 2010

The parish of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta will hold a Liturgical Music Seminar from Thursday 27th May to Sunday 30th May, 2010.

The objective of this Seminar, supported by the and the Australia and New Zealand Diocesan (ROCOR) Sacred Music Committee, is to bring together singers and conductors and together to explore the wealth and majesty of Russian liturgical music through lectures, hands-on workshops, rehearsals and divine services.

Click here:

: Announcement – Church Singing Conference 2010 postponed

: Пастырское Совещание южного округа Австралийской епархии

В среду 3 марта в Данденонге состоялось пастырское совещание духовенства южного округа Австралийской епархии.

Перед совещанием прошло общее говение духовенства и совместная служба Преждеосвященных даров.

Божественная Литургия Преждеосвященных Даров  одна из самых прекрасных и умилительных служб Церкви.  Верующие стремятся хотя бы один раз за пост присутствовать на ней и причаститься Святых Христовых Таин.  И особенно она торжественно выглядит при соборном служении.

Верующему человеку можно легко понять чувства молящегося, который впервые попал на эту службу.  В этот день, по словам такого человека, его переполняли чувства присутствия при очень важном моменте в его жизни.  Соборное песнопение священников еще больше усиливало благолепное состояние и души и разума. (more…)

: Announcement – Church Singing Conference 2010

: URGENT – Offer of Sponsored Participation in 2010 Kursk Orthodox Youth Fellowship

If you are Russian Orthodox, young, vibrant and interested in travelling to Russia, France, Switzerland and Byelorussia in July of this year….. do read on!

Here is an invitation and important information about the Kursk Youth Fellowship (Курское Содружество Православной Молодежи) which was announced at the recent Diocesan Syezd in Melbourne.

Purpose: To create opportunities for Russian Orthodox youth from different countries and dioceses to meet, interact and become lifelong friends.

Dates: From 19th July to 11th August 2010

What you would pay: Return flight to Moscow + visas + travel insurance

What will be included: All land transport within Russia + Flights & coach transport to France, Switzerland & Byelorussia + all meals and accommodation. (more…)

: Photoreport from the 45th Russian Orthodox Youth Conference

Lecture by Dr Nadia Crittenden in the Cathedral:

Fr Nicholas Karipoff answering questions:

: 45-ый съезд русской православной молодежи

26 декабря 2009 года в Мельбурне начал свою работу 45-ый Съезд русской православной молодежи Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии Русской Православной Церкви заграницей.

Во время торжественного открытия съезда под председательством Его Высокопреосвященства митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского Илариона был отслужен молебен перед началом доброго дела, а затем прозвучали приветствия от устроителей съезда, а также от представителя посольства Российской Федерации в Австралии. (more…)

: Syezd 2009 – Melborune – Registration now open!

: Acknowledgement of Sponsorship by the Fund For Assistance to ROCOR

In July of 2008 the Australian and New Zealand Diocesan Liturgical Music Committee organised the 5th Diocesan Choral Conference.

The conference took place in Sydney over a period of 5 days and its already rich programme was greatly enhanced by the presence and inclusion of the Moscow Danilov Monastery Choir.

Conference activities included a range of lectures, workshops, demonstrations, divine services and concerts, all aimed at teaching and improving the skills of church choir conductors, singers and readers.

The participation in the conference of many young people from parishes all over the diocese was particularly encouraging as it attests to continued interest, growth and development of our church choirs.

The organising members of the Diocesan Liturgical Committee should be very heartily congratulated for their tremendous effort and for a job done so well. May our Lord bless their endeavours, always! (more…)